MusicMoves – Complex Rhythems in eXtended Reality
Project Duration
01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022
Bavo Van Kerrebroeck is a researcher in the fields of embodied (musical) interaction, extended reality and human-computer interaction. He works with extended reality and audio spatialization technologies to enable and investigate the dynamical processes underlying coordination between musical players.
For this purpose, he develops enriched and mediated musical contexts in which people and machines interact and can meaningfully express themselves.
He obtained a master’s in engineering and computer music at the KUleuven and Sorbonne University, did a research internship at IRCAM and worked as an analyst for IBM and the European Space Agency. He is currently finalizing his PhD at the Institute of Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music (IPEM). His work has been published in the Frontiers and Computer-Human Interaction journals and has been presented at ISMIR, ICMC and Expanded Animation at Ars Electronica.