Gone for Eggs

Spatial audio composition by Philippe Macnab-Seguin (McGill, CA)
Written specifically for immersive speaker systems as part of his doctoral thesis.
— 4 July 2024 @ 16:00 and 17:00 —
— ASIL Labs, Krook, Ghent —
Register here: https://event.ugent.be/registration/GoneForEggs

Gone for Eggs – Spatial audio composition by Philippe Macnab-Seguin

Gone For Eggs is a spatial audio composisition of 23 minutes, written by Philippe Macnab-Seguin (McGill, CA) specifically for large immersive speaker systems as part of his doctoral thesis.  Thursday the 4th of July, the composition will be played in ASIL (UGhent).


Gone For Eggs is a spatial audio composisition of 23 minutes, written specifically for large immersive speaker systems.  Thursday the 4th of July, the composition will be played in ASIL (UGhent).

Every night, we experience a small taste of death when we lose consciousness in the depths of sleep. Every morning, we are born anew.  Gone For Eggs takes this fundamental experience as a starting point to explore the oscillation between day and night, consciousness and unconsciousness, life and death.

The texts were written by Philippe Macnab-Séguin and Nicholas Papaxanthos. Portions of The Book of Symbols by The Archive For Research In Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) were included in movements iii, iv and vi with permission from Allison Langerak Tuzo, director of ARAS.

“Just as life gestates in the egg, so in ancient healing rituals would initiates withdraw into a dark cave or hole to “incubate” until a healing dream released them reborn into the upper world, in the same way the chick crawls out of the egg.”  – The Book of Symbols, The Archive For Research In Archetypal Symbolism.


Philippe Macnab-Séguin is a composer of instrumental, electroacoustic and mixed music whose work aims to create a new musical language at the crossroads of popular musics and contemporary classical music, reflecting his eclectic musical background as a metal/punk/jazz electric guitarist, lessons in konnakol/Carnatic music with Ghatam Karthick, Barbershop singing and arranging, and his study of Hyperglitch music production with the producer Woulg.

He and producer Nicolas Gaumond form the prog-pop duo Greetings From The Hole. His in-depth study of Aural Sonology, the frequent presentations and workshops he gives on the subject, and his contact with Lasse Thoresen helps ground his artistic research in clear perceptual principles. He has received over 20 scholarships and awards for his work, including the Prix d’Europe, a BMI award, four SOCAN young composer awards, and funding from the SSHRC and FRQSC. He is currently completing a D.Mus in composition at McGill University under the supervision of Jean Lesage.


Pubplic Performance: Practical information

  • Thursday 04/07/2024, 16:00 – 16:30 and 17:00 – 17:30
  • Composition of 23 minutes
  • ASIL Labs (-2, Krook, Miriam Makebaplein 1, 9000 Gent)
  • External visitors: please go to the entrance of the Krook at -1 (near the bike stands) to the meeting point.